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  • The body in pop culture

    The body in pop culture

    A l’origine, le body est une invention française (oui madame) portée par… des hommes ! Jules Léotard, gymnaste de renom qui inventa l’art du trapèze en inventa aussi le justaucorps, destiné à libérer ses mouvements au maximum et à mettre en valeur sa musculature. Très vite, ce léotard (du nom de son créateur) s’est démocratisé à travers le monde pour devenir au fil des...
  • Our young mothers in bodysuits

    With 30 May fast approaching, we wanted to take the opportunity to pay tribute to mothers once again. In the last article, we honoured our own mothers, but this time we wanted to talk about those who have recently become mothers: our friends, our sisters, our cousins; those who have very recently experienced this great upheaval...
  • Why is the bodysuit a wardrobe essential?

    Why is the bodysuit a wardrobe essential?

        Let's talk about the bodysuit. At Flair, we're convinced that the bodysuit is an in-disposable basic for any self-respecting wardrobe. Not objective you say? There's no doubt that once you've heard our arguments, you too will fall into the category of bodysuit addicts. THE practical garment par excellence Like a second skin, it can be put on in an instant. Then complete your wardrobe with the...
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